I want us to feel - Part 2

In a world where intensity, passion, and meaning seem to be fading into the background, I yearn for a deeper connection to our collective human experience. As a society, we have become increasingly apathetic and cynical, allowing our culture and civilization to erode before our very eyes. We have lost touch with the importance of emotion, the power of shared stories, and the awe-inspiring triumphs that once fueled our progress. It's time we rekindle the fire within ourselves and strive for a world that nurtures our souls. Gen Z, while not alone in this decline, is particularly plagued by cynicism and indifference. Nihilism might be a defense mechanism against a world devoid of meaning, but it leads us down a path where nothing exceptional will be created. Our culture and civilization will disintegrate if we continue to embrace apathy and ambivalence.

Capitalism alone isn't the answer to reviving our culture, as markets do not inherently create monuments or cultural touchstones. Markets alone do not create fulfilling or healthy lives for our people. We need to look beyond the pursuit of wealth and power to uncover what truly binds us together as a society. We must rediscover the current of our deepest emotions and their role in driving our civilization. Our emotions today seem shallow compared to the past. Or maybe it's that we feel more globally and less personally. The monoculture and information spigot drown our individual emotions under the emotional tidal wave of the world's collective tragedies.

We have lost touch with essential aspects of the human experience, such as rituals, community, and shared stories. We need to bring back the awe, loss, and triumph that once filled our lives. That drove us to explore the stars, build a paradise on Earth, and inspire future generations to greatness.

The stories we tell ourselves define who we are, and right now, we are struggling to find a unifying narrative that transcends political divides and speaks to the heart of the American experience. To create powerful cultural movements and traditions, we must first establish a clear, shared story that resonates with all of us. In this age of AI, declining birth rates, and increasing global competition, it is more important than ever to reevaluate the stories we tell ourselves and the values we hold dear. We must create new traditions that inspire us. Let us embrace our passion, our awe, and our ambition, and create a world that leaves us truly breathless.